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ustrajat ću dok ne uspijem nisam došla na svjet da me poraze, niti neuspijeh kola mojim zilama...nisam ovca koja ceka da je podbode pastir...ja sam lav i odbijam razgovarati , hodati spavati s ovcama...klaonica neuspjeha nije moja sudbina...ustrajat ću dok neuspijem...živjeti sretno najbolja je osveta..!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

To my dear friends

Life is a miracle

Don't let it slip away,
Open your heart to others
Give of yourself each day.
See the Beauty in everyone
Regardless of where they've been,
Some have a difficult journey
And really need a friend.

Share your talents
Listen with your heart.
Do the things you dream about
But don't have time to start.
Pick a bouquet of flowers
Show someone that you care,
Be gracious and forgiving
Life is never fair.

Hold on to your courage
You may need it down the road,
We all have a cross to bear
It could be a heavy load.
If you practice all these things
No matter where you roam,
You may find both sun and rain
But you'll never feel alone.

Whit much Love hugss and kisses


Friday, February 11, 2011